Monday, November 18, 2013

Root Cause Analysis "Petty Crime"

Petty Crimes?

What is really mean by this? Through research the simple definition of the word "petty" means not very important or serious and "crime" is an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law. In other words "petty crimes" is committing crimes that are not very serious. And that was the topic we choose on our group which we will be doing a root cause analysis.

As you can see in the picture we have come up in the most known or I can say an observable petty crimes in the community (probably places near our school). Snatching, Hold Up, Bribery and Illegal Gambling. We do an analysis on answering the question "WHY?" this crimes occurs until we have come up on an specific cause. 

For Snatching and Hold Up, the main cause that we can think is because of their way of living, lack of competent enforcers of the law. We think that a person commit this crime maybe in poverty that they dont have anything that can satisfy their basic needs. A way of living for some also for a reason of satisfying their needs and wants.

For Bribery which mostly done by the enforcer of the government. One reason that we think is that this people bribe because its an easy way out (for a person in trouble which is not following the law "mostly it happen on roads"  they do bribe as an easy solution). Some reason is for their personal gain.

For Illegal Gambling, the reason we can think is for a personal gain and pass time for other. They do it because they have nothing to do in their life, they just see enjoyment through this way but they dont think that it is a crime. Or simple reason is that they are jobless.

For all of the crimes we have come up on a particular cause of this "petty crimes" which is Lack of competent Enforcers of the Law that causes of being an undisciplined person, If enforcers are disciplined enough and know what is right or wrong and can be the role model of a citizen in our government whose following the law, I think these petty crimes will be lessen and hopefully be solved. 

So our root cause is the Lack of parental guidance. The parents are the one who need to act on this, they should teach their child/children proper discipline and manners because when they grow up they become citizen of the country and can be one of the enforcers of the law.

Monday, November 11, 2013

What is sustainability?

I assumed that most of us are familiar of the word sustainable and sustainability. But what does it mean exactly? Do we really know and understand what it is all about? Do we really care? or we just ignore it.

I search on the internet about the meaning of sustainability and I choose this simple explanation which writes that sustainability could be defined as an ability or capacity of something to be maintained or to sustain itself. It’s about taking what we need to live now, without jeopardizing the potential for people in the future to meet their needs. If an activity is said to be sustainable, it should be able to continue forever.

How can you as a student contribute to sustainability?

Living sustainably is about living within the means of our natural systems (environment) and ensuring that our lifestyle doesn’t harm other people (society and culture). 

As a student I think we should be involve on an activities about environment conservation or what they called environmental sustainability. Environmental sustainability is about making responsible decisions that will reduce your business/projects/research negative impact on the environment. It is not simply about reducing the amount of waste you produce or using less energy, but is concerned with developing processes that will lead to businesses/projects/researches becoming completely sustainable in the future.

By being responsible on our decision from whatever aspects it may be, we should be aware on how this things will affect our lives and the future. Here are some activities which I think a student like me can practice for contributing to sustainability.
  • A student can practice sustainability in their everyday life like instead of riding a jeep and you have a bicycle, why not use it? or if the place where you need to go is walk-able why not walk? It don't contribute to air pollution plus it also an exercise.
  • When you’re promoting an event specially the student leaders and other events you organize now or in the future, you'll probably make signs or posters. Use materials that can be reused year to year. Not only will this reduce waste, but it will also save you money in the long run and allow for more professional and eye-catching publicity. For example, you can print a banner, large poster, or set of table tents on which you can change the date, or provide a link to the website/online calendar, which states the event date.
  • Go paperless. When we our in the class discussion we can take down notes on our laptop or nowadays students have their high technology gadgets which they can take pictures of the lecture and compressed the files in their computer for reviewing/study purposes.
  • When we go on our break time/lunch instead of taking out our orders and if we can dine in on a fast food chain, we may do so. Some fast food use a reusable dishes, utensils and etc.