Last January 7, 2014.. We've conducted a zero waste christmas party on our classroom for our subject Environmental Engineering. The purpose of this party is to have prepare and conduct a party of not using a disposable materials because this materials can be a solid waste. The party went good, each of us contributed to this zero waste christmas party. By bringing food they prepare for the potluck. Each were assigned to a group and the group was required for a selected food or dishes to bring. In my case with my group, we were assigned to prepare adobo but the problem was the said date is after the christmas vacation and weren't able to meet each other for the planning thats why we just grilled a 3 whole chicken. All in all the christmas party is successful based on my observation and involvement. All participated in the boodle fight we prepared, and all of them seems to be satisfied. Another great thing was that when Ben put up an activity which is for the lower years and our classmate in this subject, they interviewed by him asked them 1 by 1 and let us know each other.
We can perform zero waste manangement in different waste we just need to open our mind by considerating all things to be very important, that each little things we used, eat, wear is affecting our surroundings. It is you, and all of us are need to be responsible on how we deal on this things. We should think and care for our environment even in little waste because little by little contribute to a whole solution.